
Eco Friendly Balloons

All latex balloons are biodegradable and compostable. They will break down in about 6 months. About the same length of time as it takes for an oak leaf! Thanks to Babyccinno we know about a company that helps if you want to be even more conscious of your footprint. Little Cherry Company, in Britain, has latex balloons which are created from FSC certified forests, and are fair traded! The balloons come in magnificently vibrant colors.
Also, they have a line of tableware made from Sal and Siali Leaves from India. They are fair-traded and handmade. Their website suggests they are best suited for sit down events versus buffets. They are compostable after use.


  1. Is there a more environmentally friendly alternative to helium? Is there an alternative with similar properties to helium....that is safe? I love me some floating balloons, so just trying to come full circle. Thanks for being so awesome.

  2. Thanks so much Colleen! We will keep checking with our green wizards, but to the best of our knowledge helium itself isn't harmful to the environment. The trouble starts when balloons are released because once the balloons pop birds and other wild life may ingest them.
    So we would say fill them up, but keep them tied down! We will update if we come across any new information!


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